meet stephanie

Stephanie Needham is a registered massage therapist (Ontario), 350 hour certified Hatha yoga instructor and holds a specialized certification in Structural Integration (Anatomy Trains Structural Integration). Her passion is anything about the human architectural scaffolding known as fascia. She is curious, in awe and forever grateful to those who have mentored and nudged her into deep and personal study about this miraculous, life giving substance in health and movement.

 With a degree in adult education, Stephanie has a dynamic approach engaging with curious learners and providing a supportive open space for imagination and personal development. A published writer for the community of Structural Integrators and a poet at heart, Stephanie has a passion for soulful expressive living with a strong background in anatomy, movement and education. Stephanie is a passionate educator and facilitator in health care living and being.

Stephanie Needham is currently working as a Registered Massage Therapist weaving in Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy and forever with a hint of structural integration at the edges.